Before graduating with a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona in 1987, Stan Telford was an involved student during his time there. After being initiated into the Epsilon Epsilon chapter in 1984, Telford served as the internal and external vice president as well as the Order of Omega. He was a driven student, leader, and individual, which was showcased through his countless involvements at the University of Arizona. He was a Spring Fling director, a foundation member of the Arizona Allegiance, Student Orientation Host, Campus Tour Guide, Parents Weekend Program Director as well as a Homecoming King Finalist.
Post-graduation, Telford became the VP of Global Talent at Totango and remained active with the Epsilon Epsilon chapter of Delta Tau Delta. Some of his previous positions include chapter consultant, advisor, Karnea Director of Programs, Division Vice President, House Corporation Member, Alumni Supervisory Chair, and a speaker for “The Charge.”
When asked what Epsilon Epsilon means to him, Telford shared, “The Fraternity experience has been a meaningful part of my life since 1983. The closest friends I have are from Epsilon Epsilon. The bonds forged through that experience and through my other roles as an alumnus are woven through just about every aspect of my life today. In addition to friendship, the fraternity has played a role in virtually every step in my professional career. Some as a direct connection through networking, others as a source for advice and counsel.
I feel a debt of gratitude such that I continue to answer the Fraternity’s call whenever asked.
To the undergraduate men today: College starts at the end of childhood and ends at the beginning of adulthood. What happens in between is made more complete by spending time through shared experiences with people who share your values but who also challenge you to grow. Fraternity is the family you choose and who chooses you. There are no other organizations on campus where you refer to each other as brothers (or sisters if in a sorority). Membership in a fraternity can be incredibly rewarding. The more effort you put in, the more benefit you will receive. It will be difficult at times, particularly for you as a colony. Stay the course, learn from others and ask for help. There are many who are invested in your success. Remember, as you proceed, others follow.”
Telford now resides in Elmhurst, Illinois and has three children, Katie, Isabelle, and Will.